Special Education Teacher

Twin River Public Schools is accepting applications for the position of Special Education Teacher for the 2025-2026 school year. Grade levels will be determined based upon applicant. Twin River is a Class C2/D1 district with approximately 400 students. Twin River is a consolidation of the communities of Genoa, Silver Creek and Monroe with the school located in Genoa.  Twin River has passed a bond to build a new state of the art school with construction starting this fall. Genoa is located 20 miles west of Columbus, one hour from Grand Island, one and a half hours from Lincoln and two hours from Omaha. Come see what Twin River has to offer. “It’s a GREAT day to become a Titan!”

Zone 4

Additional Information

Twin River Public Schools will accept all years of experience and pays full insurance.

Contact Information

Twin River Public Schools
816 Willard Ave.
Genoa, NE 68640

Chris Lecher
(p) (402) 993-2274

How to Apply

Please submit a letter of interest, resume and 3 current letters of recommendation to Chris Lecher, Superintendent at clecher@twinriver.esu7.org or in-person at the main office.