School Psychologist

ESU 17 in North-Central Nebraska is seeking a full-time school psychologist beginning with the 2025-2026 school year.  School psychologists will be responsible for supporting the education of students by providing support to classroom teachers in behavior and instruction.   Internship supervision is available if needed.  This position may require travel.  The successful candidate will serve children birth through age 21. 

ESU 17 offers a competitive salary and benefits package and access to family insurance or a comparable cash option if insurance is not needed.  School psychologists work a 185 day schedule with opportunities for some extended contract responsibilities.

The position is open until filled.  

EOE/Veteran’s Preference

Zone 3



Additional Information

2025-26 School year.

Contact Information

Educational Service Unit #17
207 N Main
Ainsworth, Nebraska 69210

Geraldine Erickson
(p) (402) 387-1420

How to Apply

Please submit a cover letter, resume, application, and references to  

ESU 17 is an equal opportunity employer.

Veteran’s preference