Elementary 6th Grade Teacher

Twin River Public Schools is accepting applications for an Elementary Teaching position for the 2025-2026 school year. The opening will be for 6th grade. Twin River is a Class C2/D1 district with approximately 400 students. Twin River is a consolidation of the communities of Genoa, Silver Creek and Monroe with the school located in Genoa. Twin River recently passed a bond to build a new state of the art school with construction starting this fall. Genoa is located 20 miles west of Columbus, one hour from Grand Island, one and a half hours from Lincoln and two hours from Omaha. Come see what Twin River has to offer. “It’s a GREAT day to become a Titan!”

Zone 4

Additional Information

Twin River accepts all years of experience and pays for full insurance. Coaching/sponsor opportunities are available but not a requirement.

Contact Information

Twin River Public Schools
816 Willard Ave.
Genoa, Nebraska 68640

Chris Lecher
(p) (402) 993-2274

How to Apply

Please submit a letter of interest, resume, and 3 current letters of recommendation to Mr. Chris Lecher, Superintendent, at clecher@twinriver.esu7.org.