High School Science Teacher
Job Description
High School Science Teacher
Qualifications: The High School Science Teacher must have a Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited University and hold a valid Nebraska professional teaching certificate. Biology is not required but preferred.
Length of Contract: Will follow the length of service as outlined in the Negotiated Agreement.
Immediate Supervisor: The High School Science Teacher reports directly to the Principal.
General Job Description: The High School Science Teacher will work to develop students’ academic and interpersonal skills through the Science course of study. The course of study will be implemented in accordance with the school approved curriculum. The teacher will document teaching and student progress/activities/outcomes; address specific educational needs of students; provide a safe and optimal learning environment; and provide feedback to students, parents and administration regarding student progress, expectations and goals.
Specific Job Functions: The High School Science Teacher:
- Develop and implement plans for the curriculum program assigned and show written evidence of preparation required that is aligned with state standards.
- Prepare lessons that reflect accommodation for individual student differences with differentiation.
- Work cooperatively with special education teachers to modify curricula as needed for special education students according to Individual Education Plans.
- Consistently assess student achievement through formal and informal assessments.
- Take all necessary and reasonable steps to protect students, equipment, material, and facilities.
- Establish and maintain open lines of communication with students, parents, and administrators.
- Manage student behavior in the classroom and administer discipline according to the board policies, regulations and IEP.
- Participate in the district staff development program and attend and participate in faculty meetings and serve on committees as required.
- Be an active member of the science department that contributes to the professional learning community.
- Demonstrate behavior that is professional, ethical, and reasonable at all times.
- Creates an environment conducive to learning and appropriate for the physical, social, and emotional development of students.
- Other duties as assigned by the principal or other administrative staff.
Evaluation: All teaching staff are evaluated annually according to the provisions of the “Appraisal of Teacher Service in the Springfield Platteview Community Schools Handbook. This function is performed by the building principal or designee and the summative evaluation is completed twice annually for probationary staff and once annually for tenured staff as a minimum. All due process prescribed in state statutes is afforded teachers of Springfield Platteview Community Schools.
9–12Additional Information
This position is for the 2025-2026 School Year.
Contact Information
Springfield Platteview Community Schools14801 S 108TH ST
Springfield, NE 68059
Lindy Richards
(p) (402) 592-1300
How to Apply
Please apply on our District Website.