Vocal Music Teacher

Norfolk Catholic is looking for a passionate and competitive vocal music teacher that can share their love for music through teaching JH Choir, HS Choir, Show Choir (currently we have both JH & HS Show Choir), and share some elementary music teaching duties with the instrumental music teacher. School Mass music would also be a consideration. Our staff is reviewing and updating curriculum in all departments. The music department has a strong program in place and needs strong vocal music director to compliment our instrumental director; thus, completing the program. This person should ideally hold a current Nebraska Teaching certificate, preferably endorsed in Music.

Zone 3





Additional Information

Our base salary and matrix adjusts with a goal to be within 80% of our public school neighbors. We strive for excellence and have many positive traditions and supports in our school vision, mission, goals and core values. God provides us with great resources in staff, students and stakeholders that make NC a wonderful place to work.

Contact Information

Norfolk Catholic School
2300 Madison Ave
Norfolk, Nebraska 68701

Amy Wattier
(p) (402) 649-3873

How to Apply

Send application letter, resume, and references to amywattier@sacredheartgs.org