Elementary Teacher
Johnson-Brock Public School is seeking an elementary teacher for the 2025-2026 school year and beyond. Johnson-Brock is a Class D 1 with an average class size of 23 students per grade. Duties include 3rd grade along with multiple grade class switches that include, 4th and 5th grade. Johnson-Brock is equipped with modern facilities, 1:1 technology and a PreK-12 all in one building giving a family environment.
Information about Johnson-Brock can be found at https://nep.education.ne.gov/#/
Coaching duties can include head girls or boys basketball, but are not required for the position. Other extra duties include speech, class sponsors or organizational sponsor.
3, 4, 5Additional Information
Starting date at or around August 6th, 2025 with a current base salary of $41,500, family BCBS, all years of experiences accepted for placement.
Contact Information
Johnson-Brock Public School310 Main St
Johnson, NE 68378
Jeff Koehler
(p) (402) 868-5235
How to Apply
Please send letter of interest, resume, and transcript to
Johnson-Brock Public School
Attn Jeffrey Koehler
310 Main
Johnson NE 68378