Elementary Teacher

Johnson-Brock Public School is seeking an elementary teacher for the 2025-2026 school year and beyond.  Johnson-Brock is a Class D 1 with an average class size of 23 students per grade.  Duties include 3rd grade along with multiple grade class switches that include, 4th and 5th grade.  Johnson-Brock is equipped with modern facilities, 1:1 technology and a PreK-12 all in one building giving a family environment.

Information about Johnson-Brock can be found at https://nep.education.ne.gov/#/

Coaching duties can include head girls or boys basketball, but are not required for the position.  Other extra duties include speech, class sponsors or organizational sponsor.

Zone 5


3, 4, 5

Additional Information

Starting date at or around August 6th, 2025 with a current base salary of $41,500, family BCBS, all years of experiences accepted for placement.

Contact Information

Johnson-Brock Public School
310 Main St
Johnson, NE 68378

Jeff Koehler
(p) (402) 868-5235

How to Apply

Please send letter of interest, resume, and transcript to

Johnson-Brock Public School

Attn Jeffrey Koehler

310 Main

Johnson NE 68378
