Grades 6-12 Art Teacher

St. Cecilia Middle/High School in Hastings, NE is accepting applications for an art teacher for middle and high school. This career includes planning for class activities, preparing units and daily lesson plans, identifying materials to implement in class activities, preparing class projects, and giving students feedback on completed work to insure mastery of the lesson. This position also entails instilling in students a love of art (appreciation for different works of art while also developing skills in drawing, painting, pottery etc.). Coaching at middle school or high school level is available.

 Founded in 1912, Hastings Catholic Schools (HCS) is a school community where students encounter Christ, grow in knowledge, and become Christian witnesses. Hastings Catholic Schools focuses on providing a Catholic Education where students grow in discipleship and live out the core values of faith, family, commitment, and courage. HCS consists of St. Michael Elementary, which includes grades PK-5 as well as childcare services, and St. Cecilia Middle & High School. On average, the two schools educate 490 students each year. We have a newly remodeled school and updated classrooms.

Zone 4





Additional Information

2025-2026 school year. Salary based on years of experience and degree level.

Contact Information

Hastings Catholic Schools
604 N. St. Joseph Ave
Hastings, Nebraska 68901

Cyrus Rowan
(p) (402) 462-2105

How to Apply

Application is available at Please send cover letter, credentials, resume, and completed application to:


Fr. Cyrus Rowan

Chief Administrative Officer
Hastings Catholic Schools
604 N. St. Joseph Ave. Hastings, NE 68901