7-12 Science

Hartington-Newcastle Public Schools is accepting applications from qualified individuals for the position of 7-12 Science starting in the 2025-2026 school year.  Volleyball coaching is available with this position but not required.  

Zone 3





Additional Information

Hartington-Newcastle is a progressive P-12 district of over 380 students located in Northeast Nebraska with a newly opened school addition which includes several classrooms and another gym.  

It is the policy of Hartington-Newcastle Public Schools not to discriminate on the basis of sex, disability, race, color, religion, marital status, age, national origin, or genetic information in its educational programs, admission policies, employment, or other programs.

Contact Information

Hartington-Newcastle Public Schools
501 S Broadway
Hartington, Nebraska 68739

A. J. Johnson
(p) (402) 254-3947
(f) (402) 254-3945

How to Apply

Send letter of application, resume, credentials, and transcripts to:  Corey Uldrich, Hartington-Newcastle Public Schools, POB 75, Hartington, NE 68739-0075 or email to culdrich@hnscats.org.