Spanish Teacher

Falls City Public Schools is accepting applications for qualified candidates for the position of High School Spanish Teacher for the 2025-2026 school year. The Falls City Public Schools is a progressive C-1 school district and community in southeast Nebraska offering great facilities, excellent staff, and a competitive wage/benefit package including a tuition reimbursement policy and PTO leave program. Falls City is in a prime location. Strategically placed at the center of America’s heartland, four major metropolitan areas are less than two hours away: Kansas City, Missouri, Topeka, Kansas, and Omaha and Lincoln, Nebraska. Coaching positions available.

Zone 5



Additional Information

The start date is August 2025. Compensation is based on qualifications and experience.

Contact Information

Falls City Public Schools
P.O. Box 129
Falls City, NE 68355

Timothy Heckenlively
(p) (402) 245-2825
(f) (402) 245-2022