Superintendent of Schools
Dorchester Public School is seeking applicants for the position of Superintendent of School. Dorchester is located in northern Saline County, and is a short drive from our state’s capital in Lincoln. Approximately 230 students are served by a single, PK-12 attendance center located in the town of Dorchester, population 615. Dorchester Public School has a cohesive staff, a supportive community, a solid board-staff relationship, new facilities, advanced technology, and educator effectiveness. Dorchester Pubic Schools is committed to providing a quality education in our rural community.
Candidates must possess or be able to possess a provisional Nebraska Administrative and Supervisory Certificate by the start date of July 1, 2025. All applicants should submit an application letter, resume and references to the following:
Additional Information
Start Date is July 1st 2025
Contact Information
Dorchester Public School506 W 9th Street
Dorchester, Nebraska 68343
Curtis Cogswell
(p) (402) 946-2781
(f) (402) 946-6271
How to Apply
All applicants should submit an application letter, resume and references to the following:
Dorchester Public Schools
Attn: Curt Cogswell
506 W. 9th Street
P.O. Box 7
Dorchester, NE. 68343
Or email:
*Contact Curt Cogswell at 402-946-2781 with any questions. Deadline for submission of materials is December 1st.